April 20, 2021

Day One

Hello Beautiful humans!

Given the current global circumstances and pending Zombie apocalypse! After surviving today (our first day of Homeschooling) I felt compelled to start this blog. You see it is becoming increasingly apparent that this world that we live in is changing rapidly and we are all doing our best to adapt to these changes.

One thing that puts a smile on my face every single day is my crazy, slightly eccentric, family!  So as well as a means to stay connected to our Grandparents and Family through this quarantine, I’m also hoping this little blog can give you guys something to smile at today.

Super quick Intro: My name is Cassandra Streatfeild (Cass) and with my husband Simon (Nom) we are the creators of Envelope of Awesome. We have Identical 7 year old twin girls named Josephine and Phoenix (Jo and Phe or sweetheart if we can’t tell which one is which…) and we live in a tiny house in a small town in Australia!.

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Today was our first Day of Homeschooling the twins. Like hundreds of parents all over the world I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m determined to go with the flow and drink Gin when necessary. Here is how it all played out. The Girls ran into our room at 6:30am jumping up and down insisting we start our new Home School right away. Phe asked what do we call school at home? I sleepily said whatever you like and after much discussion they came up with the most sensible of names Rainbow Glitter Sparkle Dance Partytime school!!

They quickly agreed on the three most important school rules:

  1. They are allowed to bring as many toys to school as they like.
  2. Each day will end in a DANCE Party.
  3. Play Nintendo.

All before I had even gotten out of bed they had rearranged all the furniture in the house and I was appointed the roll of Teacher and Daddy was given the job of Principal. Mainly because all principles do is stay in their office do all the work and only come out when something needs to be fixed. Also he is very appropriately dressed!

















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The Day actually turned out much better then I had expected. We wrote up a plan and we did all of the things, well most of the things. (Writing a plan totally counts as official Writing Time right?) One thing that I was not prepared for (and the current supermarket shelves are not equipped to handle) is my students declared that they needed to stop every 35 seconds for a much needed snack break.











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So we exercised and we drew and we read and we laughed and we cried and now we are all exhausted but grateful. Mummy needs to get some work done and Drink some Gin (thank god for Netflix).




Until next time (probably not everyday because I will need plenty of time to hide under a table rocking back and forth contemplating our crazy existence). Stay Happy and Healthy and Home! Also wash your hands one more time. It can’t hurt.
